The Berkeley Marathons UK was conceived following a chance encounter with Lazarus Lake at The National Running Show UK in January 2020.
Age 18 & over
After hearing that my family were from Berkeley, Gloucestershire, UK, Laz exclaimed: “you should set up your own race!” Armed with 2 rules from Laz, 1, make it open to all types of runner 2, make it nearly impossible, the story began. I’d already been considering ways that I could raise money for the local community and after mulling Laz’s suggestion over for a few months this felt like an opportunity I couldn’t ignore. What followed was weeks of research, month’s of preparation and some significant levels of excitement! 130 (ish) Miles....26 ish miles per lap with 5 laps required, thats enough to get a veteran ultra-runner shaking in their shoes. 15,000ft ish of Elevation....3,000ft of elevation gain per lap, thats 15,000ft of gain if you manage to complete all 5 laps! 24 Hour Cut Off With a 24 hour cut off each lap would need to be 4:48:12 or under to finish. 100 Places Available Will you be lucky enough to secure 1 of only 75 purchasable places available?