Age 15 & over on 31 Dec 2025
Part of the English Riviera Triathlon weekend, the event starts off flat but has some tough little climbs and steps along the way! It starts with a great sea swim in the warm, and usually calm waters of Torquay Beach. Then after a quick jog to transition, put your running shoes on for a flat seaside run.
The King's Drive
Sportiva Events is doing its best to minimise the environmental impact of this event. Here are a few of their initiatives:
For all events which include a t-shirt, there is the option to plant a tree instead through a partnership with Treesnottees
New paper cups have been sourced to be fully recycled back into high-grade paper.
Lots of competitors are not interested in finishers' medals so they are now optional. A £2 charity donation is made for every medal not selected.
Swim hats are provided for open water swimming events as they help the water safety teams keep track of swimmers. However for all pool events, swim hats are now on request to reduce wastage.
Reusable zip ties are used and all rubbish is sorted for recycling after the event.
At the Burrator 10K running race those who commit to walking or cycling to the event get £5 discount.
2025 details to be confirmed.
Thank you so much for a fantastic event. It was so well organised and so friendly. Really enjoyed the day. Thank you. Natalie P