2024 – Newark Castle Sportive – a great sportive that starts and finished in Newark Castle
Age 14 & over
All Sportive HQ events are suitable for everyone, regardless of cycling background and type of cycle, we have routes to suit all abilities on all of our events. For new riders you can come and have a day out on whatever bike you have in the safety of an environment with fully signed routes, mechanics should you have a problem, medics and a half way feed stop, there isn’t a time limit and there’s always a phone number to call should you have a problem. As a new rider you may even wish to do this as a sponsored bike ride for one of the local charities. For the more experienced and progressing riders, there are the medium and long routes available, all fully signed, easy to follow routes with feed stops along the way. We do recommend that you have a decent level of experience to tackle the 100 mile route as it isn’t something to be undertaken lightly although still achievable in this early season event. Enjoy the heritage of Newark by starting and finishing the ride in Newark Castle itself, by working alongside the team at Newark and Sherwood Council we bring a community event into the town for all to enjoy with a great atmosphere. After finishing the event, collect your medal and chill out for a while by the riverside, grab a beer, pizza and just soak of the atmosphere. As with all of our events there will be free photos to download from Adie, our event photographer.
This event is part of Newark Castle Sportive.
Age 14 & over
Age 14 & over