Rat Race | Exuma Files
George Town, Bahamas 7 nights from £4,644.72

Rat Race | Exuma Files

A once in a lifetime kayak adventure in the Bahamas where you'll discover secret beaches and enjoy sun-drenched days on the water on an incredible journey.

  • 10 miles trail running
  • 36.6 miles mountain biking
  • 93 miles kayaking


Private plane & catamaran

Private plane & catamaran

An extraordinary finale to an extraordinary trip - breakfast on the private yacht, learn to sail, help the crew, relax on board with cocktail in hand, travel by private plane.

Snorkel a sunken piano

Snorkel a sunken piano

Take a dip in shallow waters to see the mermaid tickling the ivories of David Copperfield's piano before paddling to the beach camp to snooze in the hammocks.

Tropic of Cancer beach run

Tropic of Cancer beach run

Blissful outing along a picture-perfect coastline which runs right through the Tropic of Cancer line of latitude.

Great Exuma ride

Great Exuma ride

Cycle the length of the island on gently undulating roads to finish the day's action at the picturesque dock at Barreterre.

Join the swimming pigs

Join the swimming pigs

Visit the yachties' favourite, Staniel Cay, to get up-lose-and-personal with the world famous swimming pigs before viewing Bond's beautiful sunken cave feature.


Power your way across almost 250km of heavenly desert island chain on sea kayak, bike and foot.

White sands as far as the eye can see, uninhabited desert islands, bath-tub warm turquoise seas, turtles bobbing up to say hello, sand bars teeming with wildlife, sunken wrecks, palm trees bristling in the wind and the clearest waters on planet earth. Includes private plane transfer and luxury private catamaran support vehicle throughout.


  • May 2026 - exact date TBC

Adventure video

  • Average fitness
  • Solo
  • Couples


For this adventure you do need to be a relatively competent kayaker with experience in a sea kayak. 


You may travel at your own pace most of the time, subject to safety planning and with some caveats. 

On the kayak and stages, this means travelling in ‘pods’ with other similar ability paddlers. Each pod will consist of a group of 10 paddlers (in a mixture of tandem and single boats), plus a minimum of one safety kayaker and one motorised support boat.

On land, you follow the GPS routes and go at your own pace. There will be some ‘cut-offs,’ but these will be generous and the team will help you achieve your goal to finish the challenge, vs having to pull out. On the water, if you do not quite make those cut-offs, you simply get collected by your pod’s support vessel and moved forward to the campsite. You are welcome to start again the next day, subject to medical advice.

You will start early to allow the very best possible window for route completion. But, if you need back up or to stop for whatever reason, the team is there for you and can pick you up in the support vessel. The absolute key is that you enjoy the amazing journey in paradise, at your own pace and within your own limits.

This is a remote part of the world and at all times, the team is vigilant to the fact that plans may need to change. If the weather comes in or if the plan needs to be switched up for safety reasons, the group may be brought together as one and travel at close quarters. The staff will make these determinations whilst in the field based on weather info available at the time.

Journey with similar ability levels


You won't be staring at maps or navigational aids any more than you have to so you'll be able to concentrate on the hard work of putting one paddle in front of the other. 

There is no formal waymarking (i.e. signs) used on this event, instead there will be knowledgeable guides leading the kayak ‘pods’ and also pre-programmed expedition-grade GPS devices. You will follow this ‘line’ and can use this as a back-up at all times. You may augment this with your own device – such as GPS watches for example. The route will show the stage start and finish locations of course each day, plus also show you pit stop locations, so you know exactly how far you are from support along the course.

On land, the GPS track will work too. Don’t worry – you won’t get lost. But if you do – support is never far away. 

The GPS device is also a tracker so the team knows your location at all times and acts as an effective safety aid. It is also a satellite communicator, to help with communication at all times.


The kayak stages take place in incredibly clear, warm waters surrounding amazing tropical islands. There is a mix of ‘inshore’ and more exposed sea stages, giving a real selection of potential sea conditions to be experienced on this routing. There will be some absolutely serene paddling and there will be some pretty arduous paddling. For the foot and bike stages, it is hot, dusty Caribbean terrain. There is minimal elevation. It’s just hot, hot, hot!


  • 2 comfortable hotel nights
  • 1 night on a catamaran
  • 4 nights beach camping in hammocks or tents


Hotels: Hotels are typically offered on a double or twin room basis. If you are taking part on your own, you will be paired with another participant of the same sex in a twin room. You will have the opportunity to request to share a room with a fellow racer when filling out your participation form which you will receive ahead of the event.

This accommodation is of a very good, clean standard. Bathroom facilities could be shared or en-suite and in general, the style of accommodation is always in keeping with the vibe of the area - always cosy and comfortable.

Beach camps: Beach camps underline the very essence of the experience. The ability to string up your hammock or put up your tent and gaze out on a Caribbean sunset with the sea lapping at a white sand beach yards away is simply sublime. Add to this the legendary campsite and catamaran catering – with local barbecue and loads of other goodies – then you have a sensational way to end the day, every day whilst on the water.

Don’t worry if hammocks are new to you – you'll get help from the team. If camping is not your thing you can spend additional nights in the catamaran.


All meals during activity days are included as standard, at hotels and in camp, cooked up by expert catering crew. Kayak snacks and lunch rations are not included.

Kit list

A comprehensive kit list with mandatory and recommended kit for both disciplines (on foot and by kayak) is available.


  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

  • Bag transfer
  • Transfers

Meeting point

Great Exuma Island
George Town

  • Hill
  • Beach
  • Desert

The overall distance is approximately 250km. After the initial first day on foot and bike, the heavy-lifting is done with multiple back to back days in the kayaks, interspersed with short foot-based sections on some of the islands, to keep the legs pumping.

The real essence of this adventure unfolds at sea level of course, with the crystal-clear waters enveloping you and white sand stretching out underneath and all around you, as far as the eye can see.


  • Day 1 | Travel, kayak skills

    Arrive on an early flight and be transferred to the comfortable beach side accommodation. There will be some introductory safety briefings, kit checks and orientation with the kayaks. Evening dinner is a great chance to meet the rest of the group and bond over a couple of Sands Light local brewskies or a classic Caribbean cocktail or two.

  • Day 2 | Run through the Tropic of Cancer, hit the bikes (16km foot, 59km bike)

    Transfer to the very southern tip of Little Exuma Island to commence the Exuma Files. First up is a half marathon on foot including a stunning beach run along the length of Tropic of Cancer Beach which runs right through the Tropic of Cancer line of latitude. After some very hot, sweaty miles, jump on the bikes for 55km the length of Great Exuma to finish the day’s action at the picturesque dock at Barreterre. After the stage you will return to the hotel for a mighty big feed.

  • Day 3 | Paddle into paradise (25km kayak)

    Transferring to Barreterre, it’s time to come face to the face with the kayak traverse of the upper Cays from Great Exuma to Norman’s Cay. Spend time sorting boats and kit then, moving off in pods of similar speeds/abilities, the group makes its way in a grand flotilla away from Great Exuma and into the big blue yonder. 

    The stage today isn’t very long but with a bit of tide and the wind in the wrong place, it could be punchy. It’s a good ‘opener’ to get used to what lies ahead. Stop en route at a lovely Pit Stop where there is a sunken cave for a refreshing dip.

    As you reach the end of the stage at Lingumvitae Cay, you will pull the boats ashore onto a pristine deserted island and string up your hammock between the palms. Dinner will be served on the beach, with the sun setting on a perfect first day’s paddling in the Exumas. This is only just the beginning…

    Paddle to paradise
  • Day 4 | Snorkel a sunken piano, other Exuma oddities (40km kayak)

    You'll pass between Darby and Little Darby Islands and witness one of those classic Exuma scenes that you will get so accustomed to over the next few days - a lagoon-like section of sea between cays, with a pure-sand bottom. It is like paddling through the world’s most picturesque open-air pool, the water maintaining bathtub warm temperatures.

    On the approach to Musha Cay about 12km into today’s stage – an island owned by the magician David Copperfield – an unusual opportunity for a dip will occur. Sunken on the seabed in shallow water is Copperfield’s Piano, complete with mermaid seated and tickling the ivories. You will have some time to take a refreshing dive down to the piano while having a well-earned snack. Back in the boats, head to the small informal settlement of Blackpoint for some pizza, before kayaking onto the northern tip of Great Guana Cay to camp with the Iguanas.

    It’s time to turn into the hammocks and enjoy the sound of the sea lapping away metres away from where you’re sleeping. Utter bliss.

  • Day 5 | Swimming pigs (40km kayak)

    This is the biggest mileage day so far and is crammed full of interest and action from the water. 15km into the day, paddle to yachties’ favourite Staniel Cay, home to the world-famous Exuma Swimming Pigs and also the Thunderball Grotto – a beautiful sunken cave feature used in the eponymous Bond movie.

    Away from the superyachts and beach vibes of Staniel, it's back into island wilderness to the boundary of the Exuma Land and Sea Park – a protected area with virtually no development within it – and teaming with marine life of all descriptions.

    Part of the appeal of the Exumas as a kayaking undertaking is the variety of tidal and other sea conditions. Although the tidal range is not enormous, the tides and currents do rip through the gaps between some of the islands, creating exciting ‘tidal race’ features and other marine phenomena. The group will likely witness some of these features today and throughout the trip hopping from island to island. These ‘crossings’ between islands are always exciting – and none more so than what lies ahead tomorrow.

    Swimming pigs
  • Day 6 | The Crossing (30km kayak)

    Deep now within the Land and Sea Park, head for Shroud Cays then attempt ‘The Crossing.’ which is the biggest so far. Depart Shroud Cays and pass some smaller rock features before carrying out a much longer and exposed sea crossing to Hawksbill Cay. Experience bigger swells and waves here due to the full force of the open ocean. Embrace the thrill and head for sheltered waters and one of the most beautiful cays on the trip - Hawksbill Cay.

    Dip and snorkel
  • Day 7 | Sunken plane wreck (21km kayak)

    There are a couple of shorter crossings to contend with today, which lead to the mangroves of Shroud Cay. A brief paddle through the mangroves changes the scenery to a new paddling experience – and the heat in these sheltered waters will likely turn intense, far from the cool of that constant Caribbean sea breeze.

    Towards the end of the stage you will see Norman’s Cay looming on the horizon – Journey’s End. Situated around 1km offshore from Norman’s is one of the area’s most interesting and famous wrecks – that of a 1970s drug-smuggling plane which crashed on take-off from Norman’s when the island was owned by one of Columbia’s most notorious cartel figures. Lying in around 3 metres of water, it provides a final evocative Pit Stop to anchor the support boats as you dive down and snorkel on the wreck, with tropical fish flitting in and out of the windows of its rusting hulk.

    A few more km now and it really will be journey’s end as you pull up to the uniquely Caribbean finishline on the beach outside the legendary MacDuff’s bar. The beers are included, as the group toasts a quite incredible week together adventuring in the Exumas.

    Sunken plane wreck
  • Day 8 | Private catamaran

    After having breakfast on the private yacht, the crew will sail you back to Nassau. You can learn to sail and help the crew or you can relax and unwind with the wind whistling through you hair and a cocktail in hand. This is such an incredible way to finish the trip as you sail away from Norman’s Cay across the Caribbean Sea. Talk about finishing on a high. Wow – what an adventure!

  • Accommodation
  • Equipment
  • Guides
  • Meals
  • Transfers


  • Accommodation

    7 nights hotel and camping.

  • Meals

    Most meals included.

  • Transfers

    Airport transfers and private Catamaran return to Nassau included.

  • Guides and support

    Professional water safety support and private catamaran support vehicle.

  • Safety

    Professional local and UK safety staff, medics, drivers, route safety staff and experts on hand throughout. Audited and accredited to BS8848 expedition safety standard.

  • Equipment

    Includes kayak and associated equipment rental.

  • Transfer policy

    Flexible event transfer policy up to 12 weeks before your departure.

  • Extras

    High quality medal, rat rag and premium t-shirt for all participants.

Trip leader

Abbi is your leader for this adventure. She's a highly experienced Expeditions Manager with more than 10 years of exploring under her belt.

Seriously this one is going to be a blinder. I am in love with it already! I didn’t realise I would fall in love with the place so much. To be able to run, kayak, SUP, bike and jump in the sea in the most stunning of locations. With great and very cheap wine! What more could you ask for?


  • Carbon offset
  • Plastic bottle free

Environmental pledge

This adventure has made a firm commitment to really elevate its approach to a sustainable and environmentally aware way of working. Each activity has been assessed to improve its environmental impact, including:

  • race t-shirts to be collected at the event and not shipped across the world
  • wooden medals instead of metal
  • phasing out single-use plastics
  • local event catering
  • tighter recycling activities

This event is on track to achieve carbon-neutral in its day-to-day business activities and is making progress with carbon off-setting for worldwide travel, including ground-breaking ways to make a difference in some of the host locations.


16 and 17 year olds will be considered on an individual basis, if taking part with a responsible adult.

Instalment plan

eg. Pay £244.86 in 20 instalments.

Choose how many months you want to spread the cost over, totally interest free. There is no credit check required to use this facility. When you sign up to the instalment plan a recurring payment will be set up and your card will be debited on the same date each month.

Refund protect

Add Refund Protect to your booking during purchase and receive a full refund of your entry fee if you are unable to attend the event due to a qualifying unforeseen circumstance.




It was unbelievable and very memorable. Abbi, 2022

Definitely one for everyone’s adventure list. Cath, 2023

Highly recommended this trip. It’s pricey but includes a catamaran, private plane and desert islands. Kristian, 2023

Enquiries & bookings

If you have any questions or would like to check availability or make a booking, please provide a few details about you, your group size and any preferred dates. A member of the team will then get back to you or you can go ahead and book online.